Dr. Hans Selye | Stress : Best Meaning, Definition, Biography

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โ€œStress is a psychological and physiological imbalance caused by a mismatch between situational demand and the individualโ€™s ability and motivation to meet those needs.โ€

โ€œOne of the leading authorities on the concept of stress, described stress as โ€œthe rate of all wear and tear caused by life.โ€

Short Biography 


Hans Hugo Bruno Selye was one of the most influential Endocrinologists known for his research on the effects of stress on the human body.  Born  on 26 January  1907 into a wealthy family in Vienna, 


Hans Selye was educated first by private tutors and then in private schools.  Cellier became a professor at the Institute of Experimental Medicine and Surgery at the University of Montreal in 1934, where he remained until 1976, becoming director of the Institute in 1945.  In 1979, Cellier co-founded the Stress Institute in Canada, where he continued to work until his death in 1982. 


Selye called this set of symptoms the โ€œGeneral Adaptation Syndromeโ€œ.  He was recognized worldwide for his extraordinary achievements and was called โ€œthe Einstein of medicineโ€. In 1975 he created the International Institute of Stress, and in 1979, Selye and Arthur Antille started the Hans Selye Foundation. Later Selye and eight Nobel laureates founded the Canadian Institute of Stress. 

Popular Books 

Selye defined โ€œstressโ€ in his first scientific study in 1936.  He has authored over 1700 scientific papers and 39 books on stress. Selyeโ€™s two Popular books became the bestseller, selling millions of copies worldwide.

  • The Stress of Life (1956)
  • Stress Without Distress (1974)   

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