Job Analysis : Meaning, Definitions, Concepts, Purposes, Top 11 Uses

Job Analysis Introduction

Job Analysis is sometimes known as the “Cornerstone of HRM” because the information gathered serves so many HRM functions. The process of obtaining information about jobs by determining the duties, tasks, or activities of those jobs is known as job analysis.

The procedure entails investing in jobs in an organized manner by following a series of predetermined steps specified in advance of the study.

Job Analysis produces a written report that describes the information received from the study of 20 or 30 individual job tasks or activities. Job analysis’s ultimate goal is to improve organizational performance and productivity.

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Job Analysis : Meaning, Definitions, Concepts, Purposes, Top 11 Uses
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U.S. Department of Labor 

“Job analysis is the process of determining, by observation and reporting proper information relating to the nature of a specific job. It is the conclusion of tasks which include the job and skills, knowledge, abilities and responsibilities required, worker of the successful performance and which define one job from all others”.


Thomas S. Bateman & Carl P. Zeithaml  

“Job analysis is the cornerstone of HRM practise because it provides accurate information about jobs that is used to hire and promote people, establish wages, determine training needs, and make other crucial HRM decisions.”


List of Job Analysis Definitions Click me

Job Analysis Concepts

Jobs have their technical terms. Before diving into job analysis in depth, need to understand this terminology.

1) Job 

It is a collection of jobs with similar duties, responsibilities, expertise, and abilities. Each position has a distinct title and is distinct from the others. Jobs include things like peon, typist, mail clerk, and salesperson.

2) Placement:

It indicates a bundle of jobs and responsibilities that are given to one individual. Several people hire for the same job yet do distinct tasks.

3) Working Situation:

Work defines a collection of fields that are comparable to the type of labor and share features.

4.) Duty:-

It refers to a linked set of tasks that is called Duties in the Job analysis.

5) Task:-

It refers to a separate job activity having a clear beginning and finish point.

6) Workplace family:

It suggests professions of a similar sort, such as clerical work.

7) Job description:

It entails categories work based on certain predetermined criteria.

8) Job assessment:

It involves setting the value of a rank to an organization by comparing it to other works within the organization and also to the job market outside the company.

Purpose of Job Analysis

Job analysis is fundamental to the existence of an organization. We provide information necessary for recruitment, selection, and Performance Evaluation

The main objectives of job analysis are:

A Job Description profile

Explains work content, environment, required machines, the link between work and others, and work needs. Job descriptions include job titles, job descriptions, workplaces, job features, tasks, and more. 

This written description is generally prepared using information from the job analysis. So, one of the main purposes of job analysis is to develop job descriptions.

Job Specification Creation:

A job specification is a description, profile, or document of a person’s skills, qualifications, experience, and attitudes necessary to perform a job. 

It provides staff selection guidelines by providing specifications on the skills required for the job. Describe the person who is best suited for the job. Such information can get through job analysis.

To Determine Performance Standards

Labor standards are small standards (quality and quantity) of work to be performed. It is the same performance expected of a job and thus, an employee. 

Work analysis provides a basic quality or standard of work done. This is the basis for Performance Evaluation and compensation management.

To Help with Job Evaluation:

A job evaluation is a comparison of current job performance to a baseline standard of expected job performance. If performance is poor, control activities should be performed. 

Job Analysis provides information for job evaluations that form the basis of payment and reward management.

Workplace Design and Restructuring

Workplace analysis enables workplace design and restructuring. You can add or remove components of your work to make it more scientific, systematic, and challenging. 

Work redesign is the most important factor for employee motivation.

To Create A Workforce Plan:

The workforce plan is created based on updated information from the HR is HR inventory. Job analysis provides information about jobs and employees that help with workforce planning in areas such as line planning, career development, training and development, and care.

To Maintain Good Working Relationships

Job Analysis examines work. Prepare information about the job report, skills required for the job, qualifications, and basic standard benefits desired for the job. It provides a basis for distinguishing the work from others. This helps in designing scientific and competitive reward systems. 

This also provides information about the content and context of the job. This helps maintain good working relationships.

Top 11 Uses of Job Analysis

A comprehensive job analysis program is an essential part of sound human resource management. Specific uses of job analysis are below:

1) Organizational design:

Job analysis is useful for classifying jobs and the relationships between them. Responsibilities are commensurate with authority and overlap.

2) Human Resource Planning:

Job analysis provides useful information for forecasting labor demand for knowledge and skills. It also helps with promotion and transfer planning by showing sideways and vertical relationships between different jobs.

3) Recruitment and selection:

Information relating to the tasks, responsibility, knowledge, and skills serves as a realistic basis for hiring people. Job analysis provides consideration of what an employee is expected to do on the job.

4) Placement and orientation:

A clear understanding of job requirements helps in matching this need with the abilities, interests, and aptitudes of people.

5.) Training and development:

Job analysis provides valuable information needed to identify training needs, plan training programs, and calculate training effectiveness.

6) Performance appraisal:

Job analysis helps in determining Performance Standards in critical parts of the job. The employee’s performance can then be assessed against known benchmarks and key activities. Supervisors can compare actual performance to established standards using task analysis.

7) Career Development Planning:

Job analysis provides a clear idea of ​​the job and career growth opportunities available in the organization.

8) Job design:

With the help of knowledge of job requirements, improvements in Job Design and work methods to improve productivity. productivity and job satisfaction.

9) Job Evaluation:

Job analysis is the basis for determining the relative value of different jobs. Thus, it helps to develop a suitable salary structure, with internal fairness between jobs.

10) Labor Relations:

The information obtained through job analysis is useful for both management and Trade Unions for collective bargaining. It can also be helpful in resolving disputes and complaints about workloads, work procedures, etc. 

This information is useful for career guidance and rehabilitation counseling.

11) Health and Safety:

Job analysis reveals Unhealthy And Unsafe operating and environmental conditions in various jobs. Heat, noise, dust, smoke, etc. are examples of such conditions.

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