Ability in Organizational Behavior: Its Types, Features and Elements of Ability

Ability in organizational behaviour is an individual’s capacity to master numerous tasks in a job. It can be divided into intellectual and physical abilities that are somewhat stable over time and help employees to perform their jobs effectively.

Here are examples of abilities which include problem-solving skills, communication abilities, leadership qualities, and technical knowledge.

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Types of Ability in Organizational behaviour

In organizational behaviour, there are basically two main types of ability: intellectual and physical. Intellectual abilities include problem-solving, communication, and leadership, whereas physical abilities include strength, speed, and endurance. Other abilities, such as emotional intelligence, can also be important in the workplace. 

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According to research, these skills can have a considerable impact on employee performance and job happiness.

Physical ability

The ability to do things that demand physical effort and endurance is referred to as physical ability. It comprises fundamental physical qualities like strength and flexibility, as well as psychomotor talents like manual dexterity and eye-hand coordination. 

Knowing the various sorts of physical abilities can assist firms in creating employment activities that are better suited to an individual’s skill set, leading to increased job performance and job satisfaction.

So the basic physical abilities are such as strength, endurance, and flexibility. 

For example, their are construction workers and firefighters require a high level of physical strength and endurance to perform their job duties. Jobs that require a high level of manual labour also require good physical fitness. Even jobs are that which may not seem physically demanding at first. 

For example, we can say that office jobs require a certain level of physical ability. 

For example, those people who sit for long periods of time may also need good posture to avoid back pain or strain on their neck and shoulders. Basically, you can relate it to me 😊.

Psychomotor abilities

Psychomotor abilities, such as manual dexterity and eye-hand coordination, are also important for many jobs. To perform complex surgical procedures, for example, physicians must have a high level of physical ability and hand-eye coordination. 

Similarly, musicians and artists require good hand-eye coordination to create their art. Even jobs that may not seem as obvious, such as driving a car or typing on a computer, require good hand-eye coordination and manual dexterity. 

Intellectual ability

Examples of intellectual ability in organizational behaviour include numeral attitude, verbal comprehension, perceptual speed, inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning, and memory. 

These abilities are closely linked to how a person makes decisions and processes information.

Critical thinking

This mode of thinking is all about asking questions, analyzing assumptions, and avoiding oversimplification. It is about going deeper into complex subjects and rising with a clear understanding of what’s going on.

So, why is critical thinking so important? For starters, it strengthens your reasoning skills and makes it easier to learn new things, including problem-solving strategies. Plus, it can even help you understand yourself better and figure out what’s truly important to you.


Speaking of problem-solving, let’s not forget about that. While critical thinking is all about analyzing and examining, problem-solving is all about finding solutions. It is a set of strategies designed to help you tackle any challenge that comes your way. 

And when you combine critical thinking and problem-solving together, then you will become unstoppable.

To be a true problem-solving pro, there are a few key skills you’ll want to focus on. Analytical thinking is a big one – being able to gather information and interpret it is crucial. You’ll also want to work on your creativity, adaptability, and ability to think outside the box.

Cognitive complexity

Cognitive complexity represents a person’s capacity to collect and organize various pieces of data from their surroundings that make sense. It includes the capacity to link new information to various sets of previously known information.

So, why is cognitive complexity important? People with high cognitive complexity tend to use more information and are able to see the relationships between different aspects of that information. This means they can make better decisions and develop more creative solutions to problems.

Imagine this attempting to solve a complex problem is like to assembling a puzzle. The more parts you have, the more probably you are to find the proper solution. And that’s exactly what cognitive complexity allows you to do – gather more pieces of information and put them together in a way that makes sense.

So, if you want to improve your cognitive complexity, try exposing yourself to new information and experiences. Read widely, explore different perspectives, and challenge yourself to think outside the box. With practice, you will able to find it easier to take in and sort through complex information, and you’ll be better equipped to tackle any challenge that comes your way.

Mental ability

Mental ability is defined as the power to learn or retain knowledge, and the ability to understand the facts and significance of one’s behaviour. It is plain through intelligent behaviour and includes abilities such as spatial visualization, perceptual speed, number facility, verbal comprehension, and word fluency.

Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) is an incredibly valuable tool for anyone looking to succeed in life. It refers to a person’s ability who is able to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as sense and respond to the emotions of others.

Take an example let’s suppose you’re working on a group project and one of your team members is irritated and upset. 

With high emotional intelligence, you’d be able to recognize their feelings and respond in a way that’s supportive and helpful. You might offer to help them with their work, or simply lend a sympathetic ear and some encouraging words.

But emotional intelligence isn’t just about being empathetic and supportive of others. It’s also about managing your own emotions in a healthy and productive way. 

When you have high emotional intelligence, you’re better equipped to regulate your own emotions and keep them from interfering with your work and relationships.

For example, if you’re worried about a deadline, you could take a deep breath and go for a walk, or you can also utilize it in other ways to cool your anxieties and stay focused. This helps you stay on track and work effectively, even when things get tough.

So, if you’re looking to improve your emotional intelligence, start by practising self-awareness. Take the time to recognize and acknowledge your own emotions, and learn how to regulate them in a healthy way. 

You can also concentrate on growing more sensitive to the emotions of those around you and reacting to them in a kind and helpful manner.

Remember, emotional intelligence is a skill that takes time and practice to develop. But with persistence and effort, anyone can improve their emotional intelligence and become a better communicator, team player, and leader.

Features of Ability in Organizational Behavior


Innate ability refers to the skills and talents that are naturally present in an individual. These abilities are determined by genetics and cannot be acquired through learning or training. 

For example, some people are naturally good at sports, while others have a talent for music.


In fact, acquired ability is the skill that an individual develops by learning, training, and practice. For example, a person who is not a good public speaker. But he can develop this ability by practice and training.


Static ability refers to skills that do not change over time. These abilities are usually related to an individual’s physical or intellectual attributes. For instance, a person’s height or eye color is a static ability.


Dynamic ability, on the other hand, refers to skills that can be developed and improved over time. These abilities are usually related to an individual’s cognitive or behavioural attributes. 

For example, a person’s problem-solving ability or emotional intelligence is a dynamic ability mean its changeable.


A person’s general ability refers to a broad range of skills and qualities. These abilities are not specific to any particular task or job. For instance, a person’s critical thinking ability is a general ability.


Specific ability, on the other hand, refers to skills that are specific to a particular task or job. For example, a person’s ability to use a particular software program is a specific ability.

Elements of Ability

Task-related elements

It basically includes job demands and requirements, as well as individual characteristics such as skills and knowledge. It’s important for employees to have the necessary abilities to perform their job effectively.

Person-related elements

It includes learning ability, motivation, and engagement. This refers to an individual’s capacity to learn new skills and knowledge, as well as their level of motivation and enthusiasm for their job.

Environment-related element

It includes organizational culture and climate, as well as technological advancements and developments. The culture and climate of an organization can greatly impact an employee’s abilities and motivation, while advancements in technology can enhance their job performance.

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