Monetary and Non-Monetary Items with Differences


Monetary items are those assets or liabilities whose value is fix in terms of a currency/money and can be easily convert into cash means it have high liquidity. So here is examples include cash, accounts receivable, and accounts payable. 

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Non-monetary items are assets or liabilities whose value is not fixed in terms of a currency and cannot be easily converted into cash means it has low liquidity. So here are examples include inventories, property, plant, and equipment.

So these terms are commonly used to define assets and liabilities, both of which are important in financial reporting.

Difference between Monetary and Non-Monetary Items definepedia

Monetary items

So it refers to assets or liabilities with a fixed exchange value that remains unaffected by inflation or delation. These items are readily convertible into cash or cash equivalents, and their values are relatively stable over the period.


These are those assets or liabilities whose value is subject to change based on economic conditions. These items do not have a fixed exchange value and can fluctuate in value depending on a variety of circumstances.

It is vital to understand the distinction between financial and non-financial items since it affects how financial statements are prepared and presented. So here is one more example, monetary items are recorded at their current values, while non-monetary items are typically recorded at their historical cost.

Monetary ItemsNon-Monetary Items
Have a fixed exchange valueValue depends on economic conditions
Are units of currency heldDo not involve currency
Include trade receivables, payables, and loansInclude assets such as property, equipment, and inventory
Are affected by changes in foreign exchange ratesAre not affected by changes in foreign exchange rates
Have a determinable number of units of currencyDo not have a determinable number of units of currency
Examples: Cash, bank deposits, accounts receivable, and loans payableExamples: Property, plant, and equipment, inventory, and goodwill
Are easily converted into cashAre not easily converted into cash
Are typically short-term assets or liabilitiesAre typically long-term assets or liabilities
Are used to measure financial performanceAre used to measure economic performance

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