What is Public Relations? Definition, PR Tools, Public Relations Decisions

Public Relations (PR) is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their public. The main objectives of PR are to build product awareness, create interest, provide information, stimulate demand, and reinforce/burnish brand image. A PR campaign is a series of activities designed to achieve specific goals and objectives

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Public Relations (PR) is an important aspect of communication that involves promoting a desirable image for a person or group grabbing public attention. It originated in the U.S. in the early 20th century with pioneers such as Edward L. Bernays and Ivy Ledbetter Lee. So the goal of PR is to create and maintain a positive image and relationship with the public that are or may be interest in the entity aiming for attention. This can be a business corporation, an individual politician, a performer or author, and more.

To understand the objectives of PR, it is essential to consider the role it plays in the larger picture of communication and marketing. PR increases awareness, and marketing and advertising leverage that awareness to drive revenue. So PR builds recognition through press relations and speaking events, and marketing capitalizes on those leads to create paying customers.


Public Relations, as defined by Bernays, is an applied social science that involves the use of opinion research to plan and execute campaigns. With a focus on achieving exact results. However, with emphasizing the importance of evaluation, there is a lack of detailed guidance on how to measure and assess the effectiveness of PR campaigns in Bernays’ works.

Public Relations: Definition, PR Tools, Public Relations Decisions definepedia

What is Public Relations?

Public Relations is the practice of managing communication between an organization and its stakeholders. It aims to build and maintain a positive image and relationship with the public, which can include customers, employees, investors, and the media, among others. So PR professionals use various approaches and techniques to communicate with these groups, including press releases, media relations, events, and crisis management, among others.

The role of PR has evolved over the years, with the rise of social media and the internet transforming the way organizations communicate with their stakeholders. Today, PR is no longer just about promoting a positive image; it is also about managing reputation, engaging with stakeholders, and addressing issues and concerns.

Objectives of Public Relations

The objectives of PR can vary depending on the organization and the specific situation. By the way, here are some of the most common goals of PR:

Building and Maintaining a Positive Image

One of the primary objectives of PR is to build and maintain a positive image for the organization. This can be achieved by promoting the organization’s achievements, initiatives, and products or services to the public. So PR professionals work closely with the media to secure positive coverage and promote a positive image of the organization.

Managing Reputation

PR also plays a crucial role in managing the organization’s reputation. In today’s connected world, a single negative event or comment can quickly spread and damage an organization’s reputation. So PR professionals use crisis management tactics to mitigate the impact of negative events and protect the organization’s image.

Engaging with Stakeholders

PR is also about engaging with stakeholders and building relationships. This includes communication with customers, employees, and investors, among others. PR professionals use various tactics, such as events, surveys, and social media, to engage with stakeholders and gather feedback.

Addressing Issues and Concerns

PR also plays a critical role in addressing issues and concerns. This includes managing negative publicity, responding to customer complaints, and addressing social and environmental concerns. So PR professionals use crisis management tactics and open communication to address issues and concerns and protect the organization’s image.

Press Releases: One of the most basic PR techniques is the press release. They are written statements that offer journalists and other members with information about a company’s news, events, and other activities. When handled properly, press releases can help you generate media coverage while also building your company’s reputation and brand image.

Fact Sheets: Another useful PR tool is the fact sheet. They are brief, easily digestible documents that convey vital data and figures about your organisation or product to journalists and others. So Fact sheets should be well-research, accurate, and simple to follow.

Press Kits: A press kit is a complete collection of materials that journalists and other members of the media can use to know more about your company/products. A typical press kit can include a company history, a product booklet, a company fact sheet, a list of key staff, and other relevant materials. So we can say that A press kit, also known as a media kit, is a pre-package set of marketing materials used by PR professionals to promote a person, business, or cause. It typically includes photographs, brochures, a press release, and other relevant information

Video News Releases: This can help you to convey your message to a large/wide-based audience. They are short, visually-appealing videos. So it can be used to highlight your company’s products/services, or other activities. Video news releases can be distribute online, on TV, or through other channels.

Employee/Member Relations Programme: Employee/Member relations programmes are an important part of any PR strategy. So these programmes help to build/maintain positive relationships between your company and its employees/members. It can involve training, team-building, and other initiatives that help to promote a positive and supportive workplace culture.

Public Relations Process

The public relations process typically involves four steps (RACE):

  • Research,
  • Planning,
  • Implementation,
  • Evaluation

Research is used to define the problem or situation, objectives and strategies are develop to address it, the strategies are implemented, and then the results of the public relations efforts are measured. Strategic PR involve

s utilizing media to promote and nurture a positive public perception and PR planning success can be achieve by following the RPIE method which helps critically think through all aspects of a plan.


Research is an essential element in the development and evaluation of programmes. It include obtaining information about the target audience, programme goals, and available resources. So you can identify possible barriers to programme effectiveness and obtain a better understanding of your audience’s needs by doing research. This data can be used to plan programmes and ensure that they are tailored to the needs of the target audience.

A number of strategies must be used to perform effective research. Surveys, interviews, focus groups, and literature studies are some examples. So you can acquire a full overview of the target population and available resources by combining these strategies. Using trustworthy measures to assure the accuracy of the data collected.


After conducting research, the next step is to plan. Planning involves putting the information collected during the research stage to use in order to create a programme that fulfils the demands of the target group. It is critical to define programme objectives, identify programme components, and determine the resources needed to implement the programme.

It is critical to include stakeholders/experts in the planning process in order to create an effective programme plan. Community members, programme personnel, and other professionals with skills in programme creation and evaluation may be include. So you may ensure that the programme is fit to the needs of the target group by incorporating stakeholders in the planning phase.


The implementation step involves putting the program plan into action. It is essential to ensure that the program is implemented as planned. It is also critical to monitor the implementation process to identify possible barriers.

To ensure effective program implementation, it is important to have well-trained program staff and clear communication channels. Program staff should receive training on the program components and be equip with the skills/knowledge necessary to deliver the program to the target population. Clear communication channels (regular staff meetings and progress reports). It can help to ensure that the program is execute as planned and that any issues are identify and fixed immediately.


Evaluation is the final stage of the programme review process. The process of carefully gathering and analysing data to evaluate how effectively the programme is fulfilling its goals and objectives is known as evaluation. So the outcomes of evaluations can be utilised to maintain/improve programme quality, assist future planning, and ensure the programme is evidence-based.

To carry out an efficient programme evaluation. It is critical to use a precise and systematic strategy. This may necessitate the use of both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. Surveys, interviews, and focus groups, for example.

Major Public Relations Decisions

If you have an interest in public relations, it is important that you know the major decisions. So that are made in order to achieve positive results. These decisions are in agreement with establishing objectives, selecting messages and vehicles, carrying out the strategy, and evaluating public relations success.

Setting objectives is the first key decision in public relations. PR professionals should set measurable targets for their campaigns. Because objectives direct the campaign and guarantee that efforts are directed towards defined outcomes.

The next significant step in public relations is selecting messaging and mediums. So messages are the contents of the communication, whereas mediums are the routes via which the messages are deliver. PR professionals should select messages and mediums. That are appropriate for the target audience and campaign objectives.

The third key decision in public relations is plan implementation. This entails carrying out the strategies and tactics devised during the planning step. So public relations professionals must guarantee that all activities are done on time and that the entire plan is carry out as efficiently as possible.

Finally, the fourth essential decision in public relations is analysing public relations results. PR professionals should compare the results of their efforts to the goals they set at the start of the process. This will help them in determining the campaign’s success and identifying areas for improvement in future campaigns.

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