What is the difference between printing more money and increasing the money supply?

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The government is often accused of ‘printing money’ when it makes economic policy decisions, but what does this phrase really mean?

The term ‘money printing’ is often used to describe the process of increasing the money supply, but it’s a misleading way to describe modern monetary policy.

In the past, when economies used commodity money like the gold standard, minting new currency directly increased the money supply. However, in today’s fiat currency systems, the money supply is no longer directly tied to the physical form of money.

money supply

Instead, central banks use tools like adjusting benchmark interest rates and setting reserve requirements to influence growth and stability.

When central banks lower interest rates or reduce reserve requirements, it makes it more appealing and feasible for commercial banks to issue new loans.

These new bank-created credits expand purchasing power without the central bank having to physically print any money first.

In other words, the money supply depends more on the willingness to borrow and the appetite for risk than on how much cash the Treasury manufactures and releases.

So why does the misleading term ‘money printing’ persist? Its continued usage stems from powerful emotional associations from simpler times, such as the image of a whirring printing press churning out endless piles of cash.

However, these imagery triggers notions like ‘flooding the economy with money,’ ‘crazy spending sprees causing inflation,’ and ‘governments going off the rails.’

In reality, pumping up purchasing power in measured doses can provide short-term stimulus in tough times, aided by sophisticated forecasting and quantitative easing policies. However, unrestrained increases in the money supply can fuel harmful inflation when supply cannot keep up with too much chasing too few goods.

There are debates to be had about the appropriate level of monetary expansion, but these conversations require discernment between cartoonish scare tactics and judicious evaluation of governments’ capability to meet competing objectives.

It’s important to acknowledge both potential upsides for economic stabilization and downsides from getting the mix wrong.

In conclusion, equating monetary expansion with the government frivolously ‘printing money’ misrepresents the actual levers applied and dynamics at work in developed economies.

We must drop buzzwords that dumb down conversations into petty shouting matches and instead engage in thoughtful ways to expand purchasing power flows with care and foresight, not just brazen inflationary chaos.

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