6 Types of Organizational Cultures in 2024 (+ Best Importance of Culture )


What is organizational culture? It’s like the personality of an organization! Imagine if organizations were people; some would be serious, some laid-back, some creative, and others super organized. Well, organizational culture is all about the set of shared values, beliefs, and assumptions that guide the way an organization operates. It’s like the invisible glue that holds everything together.

Definition of Organization Culture

Schein defines organizational culture as “a pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group learned as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems.”

Deal and Kennedy define organizational culture as “the way we do things around here.”

Cameron and Quinn said that organizational culture as “a system of shared meaning that controls how an organization’s members perceive, think about, and react to their work environment.” 

According to Hofstede organizational culture is “the collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the members of one organization from another.” 

Characteristics of Organizational Culture

Characteristics of Organisational Culture

Now, let’s take a closer look at the characteristics of organizational culture. We have shared values, beliefs, assumptions, norms, symbols, language, and artifacts. It’s like a big melting pot of ideas and behaviors that define how everyone behaves in the organization. Imagine it as the “personality traits” that everyone in the organization shares.

  • Shared values
  • Beliefs
  • Assumptions
  • Norms
  • Symbols
  • Language
  • Artefacts

Alright, here’s where the magic happens! The characteristics of Organizational Culture are like the special ingredients that make each organization stand out.

  • Shared Values: These are like the common principles and rules that everyone agrees on. It’s what brings everyone together and helps them make decisions that align with the organization’s goals.
  • Beliefs: Imagine these as the guiding principles and philosophies that the organization stands for. It’s like their North Star, guiding them on their journey.
  • Assumptions: We all have assumptions, right? Well, organizations do too! It’s like having shared ideas about how things should work or what’s expected.
  • Norms: These are the unwritten rules that everyone knows, like the cool stuff everyone does in the group without even talking about it.
  • Symbols: Think of these as the fun and unique things that represent the organization’s vibe. It could be their logo, mascot, or even a special handshake.
  • Language: Every group has its way of talking, and organizations are no different. They have their own jargon and slang that only insiders understand.
  • Artifacts: These are the visible things that reflect the organization’s culture. It could be the cool posters on the walls, the office setup, or even the way people dress.

Why Does It Matter?

Now, why does Organizational Culture matter? Well, it’s essential because it shapes how the people will behave, work together, and make decisions. It’s like the unwritten rules that everyone follows to create a positive and productive environment in the organization.

Roles of Organizational Culture

  • Provides a sense of identity and belonging for employees.
  • Guides employee behavior.
  • Helps to shape the organization’s climate and atmosphere.
  • Communicates the organization’s values to customers and stakeholders.
  • Provides a framework for decision-making.

Provides a Sense of Identity and Belonging for Employees

Organizational Culture is like the DNA of an organization. It gives employees a clear understanding of who they are working for and what they stand for. It creates a shared identity among team members, making them feel like they belong to something meaningful. This sense of belonging fosters loyalty and dedication to the organization’s mission.

Guides Employee Behavior

Think of Organizational Culture as the unwritten rulebook of an organization. It shapes how employees interact with each other, how they approach their work, and the overall conduct within the workplace. It sets the standards for professionalism, collaboration, and ethics, ensuring everyone is on the same page and working harmoniously.

Helps to Shape the Organization’s Climate and Atmosphere

The culture of an organization sets the tone for the work environment. It can be warm and supportive or competitive and fast-paced, depending on the values and practices embraced. The climate and atmosphere directly influence employee morale, job satisfaction, and productivity. A positive culture fosters a pleasant and motivating work environment.

Communicates the Organization’s Values to Customers and Stakeholders

Organizational Culture is like a language that the organization speaks to its customers, partners, and stakeholders. It reflects the core values and principles that the organization upholds. Whether it’s a commitment to quality, customer service, or social responsibility, the culture sends a clear message about what the organization stands for.

Provides a Framework for Decision-Making

When tough decisions need to be made, Organizational Culture acts as a guiding compass. It provides a framework that leaders and employees can refer to, ensuring their choices align with the organization’s overall mission and vision. This consistency in decision-making helps the organization stay focused and move forward cohesively.

But why is organizational culture important? What does it do? Well, let me tell you! Organizational culture plays several roles. First, it provides a sense of identity and belonging for employees. It’s like being part of a big, happy family, where everyone feels connected and valued.

Next, it guides employee behavior. Think of it as a set of invisible rules that everyone knows, like knowing when to wear a tie or when it’s okay to bring your pet to work (hopefully not a tiger!).

Organizational culture also helps to shape the organization’s climate and atmosphere. Imagine the culture as the weather in the organization; it can be sunny and positive, or stormy and negative. And we all prefer sunny days, don’t we?

Moreover, it communicates the organization’s values to customers and stakeholders. It’s like a secret code that tells people what the organization stands for and what it believes in.

Lastly, it provides a framework for decision-making. Imagine it as a compass that helps the organization stay on the right track and make wise choices.

Types of Organizational Culture

Now, let’s talk about the different types of organizational culture. We have strong culture, weak culture, clan culture, market culture, hierarchical culture, and adhocracy culture. 

  1. Strong culture
  2. Weak culture
  3. Clan culture
  4. Market culture
  5. Hierarchical culture
  6. Adhocracy culture

Strong Culture

A strong culture is characterized by clear and well-defined values, beliefs, and norms that everyone follows. This fosters a sense of unity and loyalty among employees, making them feel like they are part of a close-knit family. Decision-making is guided by the organization’s core values, and the culture strongly shapes how things are done. 

Weak Culture

A weak culture lacks a strong set of shared values and beliefs, leading to a less defined identity for the organization. Employees may not feel as connected to the organization, and decision-making might be more flexible and inconsistent. 

Clan Culture

In a clan culture, the organization emphasizes strong relationships, teamwork, and mutual support. Employees feel a sense of belonging and loyalty to their colleagues and the organization. The focus is on collaboration and nurturing the people within the organization. 

Market Culture

A market culture growth on competition and winning. It is results-driven, and the organization is centered around external factors such as customers and competitors. Decision-making is often based on market demands and staying ahead of the competition. 

Hierarchical Culture

In a hierarchical culture, there’s a clear chain of command and a structured organization. Decision-making flows from top management down to lower levels, and established procedures and rules are followed.

Adhocracy Culture

An adhocracy culture encourages innovation, flexibility, and creativity. Employees are empowered to take risks and think outside the box. Decision-making is decentralized, and the organization is adaptable to changes in the external environment.

I think it has become complicated so now lets learn it in just dew points only which are necessary for you all.

A strong culture is like having a super tight-knit family, where everyone knows each other and works together seamlessly. On the other hand, a weak culture is more like a group of strangers just doing their jobs without much connection.

A clan culture is like being part of a tribe, where everyone cares for each other and feels like one big team. In contrast, a market culture is like being in a fierce competition, where everyone is focused on winning and getting ahead.

Then we have the hierarchical culture, where everything is structured, and there’s a clear chain of command. Finally, the adhocracy culture is all about innovation and flexibility, like being in a creative laboratory.

What is the importance of culture to your company?

According to an article on Entrepreneur.com, a positive culture can improve recruitment efforts, with 77% of workers considering a company’s culture before applying. 

Additionally, it can enhance employee retention, as culture is one of the main reasons that 65% of employees stay in their jobs. Poor company culture can lead to employees wanting to change their jobs, as reported by 38% of employees.

Companies with a positive culture also tend to have higher employee engagement rates, with up to 72% higher engagement. This can have a significant impact on the success of the business

The importance of culture extends beyond employee satisfaction and engagement. It affects various aspects of the business, including punctuality, tone, contract terms, and employee benefits. When workplace culture aligns with the employees, they are more likely to feel comfortable, supported, and valued. 

Additionally, companies that focus on culture are better equipped to navigate difficult times and changes in the business environment, goes stronger and stronger.

Culture also plays a crucial role in attracting top talent and outperforming competitors. A significant majority of workers, 77%, consider a company’s culture before applying for a job, indicating that culture is a key advantage for attracting talent. 

Moreover, half of employees would leave their current job for a lower-paying opportunity at an organization with a better culture. Employee satisfaction is tied to the culture of an organization, with culture being one of the top indicators of satisfaction.

Two successful companies that focus on culture are Microsoft and Salesforce

Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, undertook a program to refine the company culture, shifting it from cut-throat competitiveness to a culture of continuous learning. This transformation has had a positive impact on Microsoft, with the company’s market cap reaching aprox. $1 trillion and emerging as one of the most valuable companies in the world.

Salesforce, under the leadership of founder and CEO Marc Benioff, has also placed a strong emphasis on corporate culture. Benioff established philanthropic cultural norms within the company, which have guided its operations for the past two decades. One notable aspect of Salesforce’s culture is its commitment to giving back to the community. All new employees are required to spend part of their first day volunteering, and they receive 56 hours of paid time to volunteer every year. This focus on meaning and mission has not only earned Salesforce recognition as one of the best places to work in America but has also driven the company’s financial success.


And there you have it, the wonderful world of Organizational Culture! It might seem complex, but understanding it is crucial for creating a positive and productive work environment. So, embrace your organization’s culture and let it guide you like a wise mentor.

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