Product Life Cycle: 4 Stages of PLC and Marketing Strategies of PLC Explained

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The product life cycle is a model that describes the stages a product goes through from its development to its ultimate withdrawal from the market. This model helps businesses to understand that how a product evolves over time and to plan their marketing and business strategies accordingly. The four stages of the product life cycle are Introduction, Growth, Maturity, and Decline. In this article, we will explore each stage in detail and discuss the marketing strategies that are typically employed during each stage.

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Stage 1: Introduction

When a product first enters the market, it is in the Introduction stage. During this stage, sales will typically be low, and growth will be slow. In this stage, the company’s profit is usually small (if any) as the product is new and untested. The main marketing strategy during this stage is to create awareness of the product and to generate interest among potential customers. This can be done through advertising, public relations, and other promotional activities.

Low Sales and Slow Growth

At the introduction stage, sales are typically low and grow slowly. This is because the product is new and has not yet established a customer base. Consumers are often hesitant to try a new product, especially if it is untested. As a result, the company may experience low sales and slow growth in this stage.

Small Profit, if Any, Due to Untested Product

In the introduction stage, company profit is usually small (if any) as the product is new and untested. The company incurs significant costs in the development and launch of the product, and these costs may not be recouped through sales in the initial stages. It is important for the company to invest in marketing and product development to establish a customer base and generate revenue in future stages.

Product Development: The First Step of the PLC

Before the introduction stage of the product life cycle, the product must be defined and developed. Many consider product development as the first step of the product life cycle. The product must be carefully designed and manufactured to meet customer needs and preferences. The company must also invest in market research to determine the best way to launch the product and reach its target audience.

Strategies during the introduction stage

The strategies during the introduction stage of the product life cycle aim to educate and attract new customers to the newly launched product and increase sales. Some of these strategies are:

  1. Aggressive promotion using media channels.
  2. Offering discounts to customers on the product in the introduction stage.
  3. Making sample merchandise available across stores.
  4. Introducing the new product as bundled offers for customers to try and use.
  5. Price skimming strategy.

The ultimate goal of these strategies is to quickly educate and attract new customers to the product and make sales.

Stage 2: Growth

The Growth stage is characterized by rapid sales growth, increased profits, and increased market share. During this stage, companies need to focus on expanding their customer base and establishing their brand. Marketing strategies during this stage may include advertising, promotions, and distribution efforts to reach new customers and increase sales.

Building Brand Recognition:

In today’s crowded market, building brand recognition is crucial for success. Strong brand acknowledgement can help you separate yourself from competitors and create a loyal customer base. There are several ways to build brand recognition, including:

  • Developing a strong brand identity
  • Consistently delivering high-quality and upgraded products or services to their customers
  • Building a strong online presence through social media and other marketing channels

Expanding Your Product Line:

Expanding your product line is another effective strategy for driving growth. By offering a wider range of products, you can reach new customers and increase sales. When expanding your product line, it’s important to:

  • Research customer needs and preferences

Ensure that your new products complement your existing offerings

Test new products before launching them to ensure they will be successful

Diversifying Distribution Channels:

Diversifying distribution channels is a key component of business growth. By offering multiple ways for customers to purchase your products, you can increase your reach and reach more customers. Some common distribution channels include:

  • Direct sales
  • Retail stores
  • Online retailers
  • Wholesale distributors

Here are some effective strategies for doing just that.

Identifying the Benefits of the Product

One of the key steps in boosting the growth that is brand loyalty. It is to identify the unique benefits of the product and to highlight these benefits in marketing efforts. This can include features such as durability, quality, convenience, and value. By communicating these benefits to their customers, a company can help to create a positive image and build trust regarding their brand.

Aggressive Price Cuts

Another way to remain competitive is to offer aggressive price cuts. Which can help to draw customers away from competitors and increase sales. This strategy can be specially effective in massive markets where customers are looking for the best value. However, it is important to balance price cuts by maintaining the quality of the product and the overall brand image.

Expanding Product Lines and Offering Greater Variety

Expanding product lines and offering a greater variety of products can also help a company to remain competitive and maintain its market share. This strategy can help to reach new customer segments and attract them.

Market Segmentation and Selling Under Different Brands

Market segmentation is another effective strategy for boosting brand loyalty and competitiveness. By selling the product under different brands, a company can reach specific customer segments and create a sense of differentiation. This can also help to reach customers who are more likely to be loyal to a particular brand.

Creative Promotional Campaigns

A creative promotional campaign can help to attract potential buyers and build brand recognition. This can include a variety of tactics, such as social media marketing, influencers partnerships, and interactive experiences. By engaging with customers in new and exciting ways, a company can create a memorable experience and foster brand loyalty.

Modifying Warranty and Service Conditions

Finally, modifying warranty and service conditions can also help to increase brand loyalty and remain competitive. By offering more attractive warranty and service options, a company can differentiate itself from its competitors and provide added value to its customers.

Making the Product Widely Available

Making the product widely available is another strategy for boosting brand loyalty and competitiveness. By reaching a larger audience, a company can increase sales and build a stronger brand presence. This can include partnering with retailers, expanding online presence, and implementing a robust distribution network.

Stage 3: Maturity

In the Maturity stage, sales growth slows down, and profits begin to level off. The market becomes more competitive, and companies need to focus on maintaining their market share. Marketing strategies during this stage may include brand reinforcement, product differentiation, and cost-cutting efforts to remain competitive.

Challenges faced during the Maturity Stage

The challenges faced by manufacturers during the maturity stage. There are several challenges that manufacturers face during the maturity stage, including:

Price undercutting

As the market becomes saturated, companies may resort to price undercutting and increased promotional efforts to capture customers from their competitors. This can reduce margins and profitability.

Maintaining sales volumes

During the growth stage, sales typically increase at a constant rate, but by the maturity stage, the market is usually saturated, and sales may start to plateau or even drop off. Keeping sales volumes up is the primary challenge for companies during this stage.

Intense competition

With sales reaching their peak and the market becoming saturated, it can be very difficult for companies to maintain their profits, let alone continue trying to increase them, especially in the face of what is usually fairly intense competition.

Exit of weaker competitors

Due to fierce competition, weaker competitors may eventually exit the marketplace, leading to a shake-out. This can further increase competition and make it even more challenging for companies to maintain their profits and sales.

Strategies for Maturity time of PLC

Here are Some Strategies for Maintaining Sales and Profits in the Maturity time of PLC

Diversifying Your Product Line

One of the most effective ways to maintain sales and profits in the maturity stage of your PLC is to diversify your product line. This could involve launching new products that complement your existing offerings, or exploring new markets where there’s potential for growth. By diversifying your product line, you will be able to tap into additional revenue streams and keep your business ahead in the competition.

Effective Cost Management

Cost management is critical in the maturity stage of your PLC. As sales start to level off. It’s important to look for ways to reduce costs and maximize efficiency. This could involve streamlining operations, outsourcing non-core functions, or investing in technology to automate processes. By effectively managing costs, you’ll be able to maintain profitability and remain competitive in the market.

Innovating to Stay Ahead

Innovation is key to driving growth and staying ahead of the competition in the maturity stage of your PLC. This could involve making changes to your existing products to make them more appealing to customers, or you can say, developing new offers that meet emerging market trends. By continuously innovating, you’ll be able to remain relevant in the market and maintain sales and profits in the maturity stage of your PLC.

Maximizing Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty is essential for maintaining sales and profits in the maturity stage of your PLC. By providing exceptional customer service and building strong relationships with your customers, you’ll be able to foster loyalty and retain their business. You could also consider offering loyalty programs, discounts, or other incentives to encourage repeat purchases and boost sales.

Stage 4: Decline

The Decline stage is characterized by declining sales and profits. During this stage, companies may decide to discontinue the product or to revitalize it through product improvements or repositioning. Marketing strategies during this stage may include price reductions, product improvements, and marketing efforts to reinvigorate the product.

Increased Competition

Increased competition is one of the primary factors for the reduction in PLC. As new products are introduced to the market. More options are available to consumers. And businesses must compete for their attention. This competition may result in lower sales and earnings for products in decline.

Consumer Preferences Are Changing

Changing consumer choices are another element contributing to the drop in PLC. Consumers are becoming more educated. They start looking for things that better suit their wants and desires. Products in decline may no longer be enticing to consumers, resulting in a drop in sales and earnings.

The Problem of New Technologies

As new technologies become available, consumers may elect to use these new items rather than continuing to use old ones. This shift in the consumer behaviour can result in decreased sales and profits for products in the decline stage.

Businesses must understand the causes of the downturn in order to choose the best course of action. 

Strategies to tackle the Decline stage

Here are some strategies to tackle the Decline stage

Cost-cutting methods

Cost reduction is one of the most effective marketing methods in the decline stage. This can be accomplished by reducing the production costs, simplifying the supply chain, and lowering marketing and advertising costs. Businesses can maintain profitability and create income even while sales are dropping by cutting costs.


In the decline stage, rebranding is another excellent marketing technique. This entails changing the image, name, or packaging of the product to appeal to a new target market. So businesses can revitalise their products and attract new customers by renaming them.


Diversification is another marketing approach that organisations can employ to manage their declining product. This entails broadening the product line to include new, similar products that complement the original. Businesses can enhance revenue and lessen the danger of relying on a single product by diversifying their product line.

Product Reorienting

Product repositioning is another marketing method that organisations can employ to control a declining product. This includes modifying the product’s target market or the way it is marketed. Businesses can attract new customers and enhance revenue by repositioning their products.

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