Congruence and Incongruence what do they mean?

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Congruence and incongruence are concepts that relate to the alignment or mismatch between thoughts, feelings, and actions. Here is a breakdown of the key points related to congruence and incongruence:


Congruence refers to the state of being in alignment between what one thinks, feels, and does.

  • When someone is congruent, their thoughts, feelings, and actions reflect the same state of mind.
  • Congruence is often associated with integrity, authenticity, and consistency.
  • In leadership, congruence is important as it builds trust and credibility among followers.
  • Congruent leaders are honest, transparent, and consistent in their words and actions.
  • Congruence in leadership motivates and inspires followers.


Congruence by Definepedia

Definitions of Congruence

Stephen Covey: “Congruence is the alignment of your thoughts, words, and actions.”

John Maxwell: “Congruence is the essence of leadership. It’s when who you are on the inside matches who you are on the outside.”

James Kouzes and Barry Posner: “Congruence is the degree to which your words and actions are aligned with your values.”

Timothy Gallwey: “Congruence is the state of being true to yourself and your values. It’s when you’re living your life in alignment with your highest self.”

Marshall Goldsmith: “Congruence is the bridge between your intentions and your impact. It’s when your words and actions create the results you want.”

Peter Drucker: “Congruence is the key to leadership effectiveness. When you’re congruent, you’re more likely to inspire others and achieve your goals.”


Incongruence refers to a mismatch or inconsistency between thoughts, feelings, and actions.

“A lack of agreement, accordance, or harmony.”

Incongruence can arise when individuals try to protect themselves or feel safer by adopting roles or behaviors that are not in line with their true thoughts and feelings.

  • In leadership, incongruence erodes trust and credibility.
  • Incongruent leaders may demotivate and disenfranchise followers.
  • Incongruent behaviors by leaders can lead to a lack of credibility and a breakdown in team morale.

Increasing Congruence in Leadership:

To increase congruence in leadership, leaders can:

  • Be aware of their own values and beliefs.
  • Be honest and transparent with their followers.
  • Be consistent in their words and actions.

One response to “Congruence and Incongruence what do they mean?”

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    Terence Komp

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