What is Work Study? Best meaning, Definition, Techniques, Importance, Applications

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Work-study analyzes the work done in an organization. With the goal of identifying the most effective method to use industrial resources such as (5M’s). Every organization wants to get the best product qualities in the shortest amount of time.

So, work-study assists the company in achieving its goal by analyzing current working methods and then searching for ways to improve the efficiency of the production process. It also contributes to lower production costs by eliminating resource waste. Work-study helps in the production system and the enhancement of output.

What is the Work Study? Work measurement, Time study, or Motion study Method studyย  Techniques of Work Study Importance advantages Full Guide Definepedia


British Standard Institution  

“Work study is a generic term for those techniques particularly Method Study and Work Measurement which are used in the examination of work in all its contexts and which leads systematically to the investigation of all the factors which affect the efficiency and economy of the situation being reviewed in order to incorporate improvements at various levels.”

Techniques of Work Study

Work study includes two techniques: method study and work measurement or motion study

Method study 

it is the systematic recording and deep analysis of current and planned ways of doing work, to develop and apply easier methods and cut costs.

Work measurement, Time study, or Motion study

it is the use of tools to determine how long it takes a complete worker a certain job with how much movement at a particular level of performance.

The Importance of Work Study

1.It helps to identify and cut wasteful activities and bottlenecks in the production process.
2.It helps to cut unnecessary processes, reduce costs and save time.
3.It helps to improve employee productivity and morale.
4.Work study is a method of increasing the firm’s efficiency (output) by eliminating waste and wasteful processes.
5.It is the only precise and scientific process strategy for establishing time standards.
6.It will add to profit since the savings will begin immediately and continue all through the product’s life.
7.It is a method for identifying non-value-added tasks by analyzing all the elements impacting the work.
8.Work study helps to identify the best sequence of activities and workflow that is most efficient and cost-effective.
9.Work study helps to create better job designs, which helps to reduce fatigue and strain on employees.
10.It helps to identify alternative ways of performing tasks and optimize the use of available resources.
11.It helps to identify and improve the ergonomics of the workplace and improve safety.
12.It helps to develop better cost estimates and budgeting.
13.It helps to identify opportunities for automation and technology.
14.It helps to improve quality, reduce defects and improve customer satisfaction.


Work Study and Work Measurement

“Work study is a normal word for those methods, study, and work measurement, that apply in any context and lead to the analysis of all the aspects that affect the efficiency and economy of the situation study to effect improvement.”

‘The primary goal of work-study is to increase the productivity of individuals, equipment, and materials. The goal of a work-study is to discover the optimal manner of completing each job and to remove waste. So that, productivity may grow while requiring less fatigue. The work study is also useful in calculating the standard time that a skilled worker should take to do the operation.

Applications of Work-Study

Work study is a field that looks for ways to improve job performance, make better use of equipment and machinery, standardized work methods, and so on.

As a result, the following work-study applications are available:

1.Work-study can help identify the skills and abilities of workers and how they can be best utilized. It can also help inform decisions on staffing levels, training requirements, and wage structures.
2.Work-study can be use to identify areas of inefficiency in production processes and to develop plans for improvement. This may include determining ways to reduce design and change times, simplifying production flows, and minimizing downtime due to equipment failure.
3.Scientific and controlled examination of existing methods of carrying out a task.
4.Measuring the performance of mentally and qualified personnel and establishing it as a performance assessment standard.
5.Maximum use of labor, plant, machinery, and other resources at the lowest possible cost.
6.Enhanced worker morale and productivity.
7.Increasing organizational efficiency.
8.Work-study can be use to help identify production processes, develop job descriptions, and analyze the time and cost associated with each job. This information can then be use to inform decisions on the best ways to optimize production processes.

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