Process of Marketing Communication with Example

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Marketing communication is an essential component/element of every company that wants to communicate with its target audience and market its products or services.
It is the process of developing and communicating messages to potential customers in order to pique their attention, raise their awareness, and eventually drive sales.
Advertising, public relations, direct marketing, personal selling, and sales promotion are all examples of marketing communication tactics and strategies. The purpose of marketing communication is to reach a big audience and create a strong brand image.
Marketing communication can be a challenge. As businesses must navigate a complex landscape of changing consumer preferences, technological advancements, and an ever-increasing number of communication channels.
Businesses, on the other hand, may effectively engage with their target audience marketing and achieve their marketing goals with proper planning and execution.
Understanding marketing communication is essential for success whether you are a small business owner, a marketer, or a marketing student.
You may design a comprehensive marketing plan that satisfies the demands of your organisation and your customers by knowing about the many components of marketing communication and how they interact.
Marketing Communication Process definepedia

Definition of Marketing Communication

Marketing communications refer to the messages and media that marketers use to communicate with target markets. These can include traditional advertising, direct marketing, social marketing, presentations, and sponsorships these are called Marketing Communication.

In simple terms, marketing communication includes advertising, marketing, packaging, and branding a product or service in a way that entices an audience to make a purchase.





Importance of Marketing Communication in the Business World

Marketing communication is a vital aspect of the business. Because:

      • It helps companies reach their target audiences and achieve their goals.

      • In marketing communication strategy, companies can increase their revenue and profit by selling more products or services.

      • It is essential for long-term success in the business world.


    Objectives of Marketing Communication

      • The primary objective of marketing communication is to sell a product or service to increase a company’s revenue and profit.

      • Marketing communication, including building brand awareness, promoting brand loyalty, generating leads, and increasing customer engagement.

      • Through marketing communication, companies can tailor their strategies to meet their specific needs and achieve their goals.


    Types of Marketing Communication

    Marketing communication is an essential aspect of a business’s success. The ultimate goal is to promote a product or service to potential customers. Once a product has been created and a price determined, the marketing focus switches to promotion or communication.

    Good as a product may be, it will seldom sell itself. Knowledge about the product must be communicated to potential customers, either through word of mouth, advertising, or some form of display.




    Advertising is the most common form of marketing communication. It is a paid form of non-personal communication that promotes a product or service through various media channels such as television, print, radio, and the internet.

    Advertising is the act of creating an advertisement, which is a message that aims to inform and persuade potential customers about a product or service. Examples of advertising include TV commercials, print ads in magazines, online banner ads, and billboards.

    Advertising has several advantages. For example, it reaches a wide audience, it can build brand awareness, and it can help establish a company’s image. However, advertising also has its disadvantages, including its high cost and the difficulty of measuring its effectiveness.


    How to Create an Effective Advertising Campaign

        • To create an effective advertising campaign, a marketer must first understand their target audience, the message they want to convey, and the media channels they will use to reach their audience.

        • Next, the marketer should create a budget and timeline for the campaign and track its success through metrics such as website traffic, sales, and customer engagement.


      Sales Promotion

      Sales promotion is a short-term marketing strategy that aims to increase sales of a product or service through discounts, coupons, and other incentives.

      Sales promotion is a marketing tool that offers consumers an incentive to purchase a product or service. Examples of sales promotions include buy one get one free, discounts, and contests.

      Sales promotions have several advantages, including the ability to increase sales, generate new customers, and increase brand awareness. However, sales promotions also have disadvantages, such as the risk of reducing the perceived value of a product and encouraging customers to only buy during promotions, rather than at full price.


      How to Create an Effective Sales Promotion Campaign

          • A marketer must first identify the target audience and determine what type of promotion will be most appealing to them.

          • Next, the marketer should create a budget and timeline for the promotion and track its success through metrics such as increased sales, customer feedback, and return on investment.


        Public Relations

        Public relations (PR) is the act of managing a company’s image and reputation through various media channels.

        Public relations is the art and science of building relationships between an organization and its stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors, and the media. Examples of PR include press releases, media interviews, and crisis management.

        Public relations has several advantages, including the ability to build a positive image, increase brand awareness, and establish credibility. However, PR also has disadvantages, including the difficulty of measuring its effectiveness and the risk of negative publicity.






        Direct Marketing Definition and Examples

        Direct Marketing refers to a marketing strategy where the marketer directly communicates with possible customers with various channels. Such as mail, phone, email, or text message. The goal is to reach the customers directly with a message. It will stimulate them to take action. Some of the examples of direct marketing include catalogue sales, telemarketing, direct mail, and online advertising.

        Direct Marketing offers many advantages/pros, including the ability to target specific audiences, track the results of campaigns, and reach customers where they are. The downside/cons is that direct marketing can be busy, and customers may feel overwhelmed by the amount of information being thrown at them. Additionally, direct marketing can be expensive, and the results may not be as strong as other forms of marketing.

        How to Create an Effective Direct Marketing Campaign

        An effective direct marketing campaign requires careful planning and execution. Some key elements of a successful direct marketing campaign include:

            • Define your target audience: Who are you trying to reach with your message?

            • Choose the right channels: Determine the best channels for reaching your target audience.

            • Create a compelling message: Your message must be clear, concise, and engaging.

            • Test and measure results: Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of your campaign and make adjustments as needed.


          Personal Sellingย 

          Personal Selling refers to a marketing strategy where a salesperson directly communicates with potential customers to sell a product or service. This can be done through face-to-face meetings, telephone calls, or online communication. Some examples of personal selling include sales calls, product demonstrations, and trade shows.

          Personal selling offers several advantages, including the ability to build relationships with potential customers, provide a personalized experience, and address customer concerns and objections. On the downside, personal selling can be time-consuming and expensive, and the salesperson may not have the necessary skills to effectively sell the product or service.

          How to Create an Effective Personal Selling Campaign

          Creating an effective personal selling campaign requires careful planning and execution. Some key elements of a successful personal selling campaign include:


              • Train your sales team: Ensure that your sales team has the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively sell your product or service.

              • Define your target audience: Who are you trying to reach with your message?

              • Choose the right channels: Determine the best channels for reaching your target audience.

              • Create a compelling message: Your message must be clear, concise, and engaging.

              • Follow up with leads: Ensure that you follow up with leads to close sales and build relationships.


            The key elements of the marketing communication process, includes research, strategy development, message development, media planning, campaign execution, and evaluation.






            Marketing Communication Process



            Gathering, capturing, and analysing the data regarding marketing products/services is what research involves. In this method, we gather, compile, and analyse data in order to discover an effective solution for marketing communications. And it is essential in developing a marketing strategy that resonates with the target demographic.

            As an example, if a company sells outdoor equipment, it is necessary to understand the target audience’s preferences for outside activities. For example, hiking or camping. The organisation can undertake surveys to acquire information about the target audience, which it can then use to develop a marketing strategy.



            Strategy Development

            The next step is to create a marketing strategy based on the previous study. This includes defining the target audience, setting marketing goals, and deciding on the best marketing channels to reach the potential audience. Strategy is an essential part of the marketing communication. Because it establishes the foundation for the rest of the campaign.

            For example, if the outdoor gear company’s target demographic (gender, age, income level, race, education level, religion, marital status, and geographic location) includes avid hikers, the marketing plan may include reaching out to them via social media and hiking-specific websites. Marketing objectives could include raising brand awareness and driving sales of a new product line.




            Message Development

            Once the marketing strategy has been developed. Now the next step is message development. This involves creating a message that goes with the target audience and achieves the marketing goals. The message should be clear, concise, and plain to the target audience.

            For example, the message for the outdoor gear company might be that their new product line is perfect for avid hikers and offers the durability and functionality they need on their adventures.




            Media Planning

            After viewing the development of the message. Now the next step is media planning. This involves choosing the best marketing channels (phone calls, text messages, emails, video, radio, and social media) to reach the audience. The marketing strategy and audience will influence the marketing channel choices. The media strategy should include both Traditional and Digital marketing platforms. Television, print, social media, email, and a variety of other media are examples.

            For example, the media plan for the outdoor gear company might include targeted social media ads, sponsored content on hiking-specific websites, and email campaigns to their existing customer base.




            Campaign Execution

            The marketing campaign is carried out after the media plan has been established. This entails carrying out marketing activities such as generating and distributing marketing materials, running advertisements, and so on. The marketing communication process comes to life during the execution phase when the message is transmitted to the target audience using various marketing channels.

            For example, the outdoor gear company’s marketing effort could include producing and distributing eye-catching product brochures, running targeted social media ads, and conducting product demonstrations at hiking events.





            Evaluation is the final phase in the marketing communication process. This contains assessing the usefulness of the marketing effort and establishing whether or not the marketing objectives were reached. The evaluation stage is important. Because it gives useful information that may be used to drive future decisions.

            For example, the evaluation for the outdoor gear company might include tracking the number of sales and customer feedback, analyzing website traffic, and measuring engagement on social media.

            This research paper is published exclusively on Definepedia’s free article repository. You can use it for research and reference purposes to write your own paper. However, you must cite it accordingly.

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